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Social Security
  • Advertise on this website
    Place your text ad on this page for only € 25.00 a year

    NL: MCI Informatie op Maat
  • Social security and pensions
    EU: EURES - The European Mobility Portal
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 1408/71 of 14 June 1971
    on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community

    EU: EUR-Lex
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 574/72 of 21 March 1972
    laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons, to self-employed persons and to their families moving within the Community

    EU: EUR-Lex
  • EUlisses: EU Links and information on Social Securtity
    EU: European Commission
  • Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
    Your social security rights
    Thinking of going to live or work in another EU country? Or just planning a holiday? If so, be prepared to deal with another country’s social security system, which may be quite different from the one you are familiar with.

    EU: European Commission
  • Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
    Coordination of other benefits
    EU rules on social security coordination apply to all national benefits including sickness, maternity, old-age, survivor's and invalidity pensions, unemployment or family benefits.

    EU: European Commission
  • The European Health Insurance Card
    The European Health Insurance Card makes it easier for people from the European Union’s 27 Member States plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland to access health care services during temporary visits abroad.

    EU: European Commission
  • Provisions on Social Security for Migrant Workers
    EU: European Commission
  • Social Protection Social Inclusion: Social Protection: MISSOC
    The database contains the regularly updated MISSOC tables, covering all areas of social protection. The database allows the user to easily select the country or countries of interest and select the specific information fields they want to view on the screen and/ or print-out. The database also enables downloading of the selected information into a standard Microsoft™ Excel spreadsheet, which allows for more advanced comparisons, table designs and print-outs

    EU: European Commission
  • Sickness and maternity leave
    EU: Your Europe
  • Useful Links & Addresses: Working in Europe: Social security: Belgium
    EU: Your Europe
  • Useful Links & Addresses: Working in Europe: Social security: United Kingdom
    EU: Your Europe
  • Working in Europe : Social security
    EU: Your Europe
  • Guide for Mobile European Workers (Pdf: 2004)
    Bart Vanpoucke ABVV en Ger Essers FNV

    EU: European Trade Union Confederation
  • Droit Fiscalité belge
    Sous rubrique de Droit Social: La rubrique indépendants et salariés (in french)

    BE: Droit Fiscalité belge
  • De detachering van werknemers van België naar het buitenland : Administratieve formaliteiten (in dutch and french)
    BE: Federale Overheidsdienst Sociale Zekerheid
  • Législation sociale (in dutch and in french)
    BE: SPF Economie, PME, Classes moyennes et Energie
  • Working in Belgium: Limosa
    BE: International.socialsecurity.be
  • Wonen en werken in het buitenland (in dutch)
    BE: OZ - Onafhankelijk Ziekenfonds
  • Welcome to the National Social Security Office
    BE: NOSS
  • Arbeitgeber / Sozialversicherte (in dutch, german and french)
    BE: LSSPLV - Landesamt für Sozialsicherheit der provinzialen und lokalen Verwaltungen
  • Welke voorwaarden zijn van toepassing indien u uw EERSTE uitkeringsaanvraag indient in België na uw tewerkstelling in het buitenland? (in dutch and in french)
    BE: Rijksdienst voor Arbeidsvoorziening
  • Kindergeld: Arbeiten und leben außerhalb Belgiens:
    - Grenzgänger
    - Ihre Familie bleibt in Belgien
    - Ihre Familie verbleibt mit Ihnen im Ausland
    - Arbeitnemher in Belgien und Familien im Ausland (in dutch, french and in german)

    BE: Zentralanstalt für Familienbeihilfe für Arbeitnehmer
  • Grenzgänger
    Für Kinder von Grenzgängern die kein Kindergeld aufgrund einer belgischen oder ausländischen Regelung erhalten können, kann die ZFA-ONAFTS Kindergeld, Geburtsbeihilfe und Adoptionsbeihilfe zahlen (in dutch, french and in german)

    BE: Zentralanstalt für Familienbeihilfe für Arbeitnehmer
  • National Institute for the Social Security of the Self-employed Belgium
    We not only make sure you are properly insured and that you pay your contributions, but we also help you with your pension, family benefit and in case of illness and bankruptcy

    BE: National Institute for the Social Security of the Self-employed Belgium
  • RIZIV: welkom op de website van het Rijksinstituut voor ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering.
    Informatie over de gezondheidszorg in België (in dutch and in french)

    BE: Rijksinstituut voor ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering
  • Service des Pensions du Secteur Public
    Les tâches principales du Service des Pensions du Secteur Public (le SdPSP) sont l'octroi, le calcul et la gestion de la plupart des pensions de retraite et de survie du secteur public (in french and dutch)

    BE: Service des Pensions du Secteur Public Belgique
  • Office national des Pensions Belgique
    Vous pourrez trouver sur ce site toute information en matière de pension du secteur privé et de garantie de revenu aux personnes âgées (GRAPA) (in dutch, french and in german)

    BE: Office national des Pensions Belgique
  • Office National des Pensions Belgique - Plan du Site (in french, german and dutch)
    BE: Office National des Pensions Belgique
  • Arbeiten und/oder aufenthalt im Ausland (in dutch, french and in german)
    BE: Landespensionamt Belgien
  • Online diensten voor de Sociale Zekerheid (in dutch, french and in german)
    BE: Sociale-Zekerheid.be
  • Werk zoeken internationaal - Informeer je over sociale zekerheid (in dutch)
    BE: VDAB: Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding
  • Beroepsactieve uitgaande grensarbeider (in dutch)
    BE: Vlaams Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid
  • Inkomende grensarbeider (in dutch)
    BE: Vlaams Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid
  • Sociale zekerheid en bijstand - EU-onderdanen (in dutch)
    BE: Vreemdelingenrecht.be
  • DWP - Department for Work and Pensions
    UK: Department for Work and Pensions
  • Directgov
    Portal for cross-goverment information and services in the UK, including pensions and social security benefits

    UK: Directgov UK
  • Child Benefit
    Child Benefit is a tax-free monthly payment to anyone bringing up a child or young person. It is not affected by income or savings so most people who are bringing up a child or young person qualify for it

    UK: HM Revenue and Customs UK
  • Welcome to NHS Direct Online
    All the health information you need in one website

    UK: National Health Service UK
  • The Pension Service website
    is published by the Government. It provides information for individuals about pensions and other pensioner benefits in the UK, whether you are planning for the future, are about to retire or have already retired.Department for Work and Pensions

    UK: The Pension Service UK