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Free movement and the new EU Member States
Netherlands > Denmark
Information for entrepreneurs
  • Advertise on this website
    Place your text ad on this page for only € 25.00 a year

    NL: MCI Informatie op Maat
  • Employers
    EU: EURES The European Job Mobility Portal
  • Industrial Relations in Europe 2006
    The 2006 version of the bi-annual report outlines industrial relations trends at the national level (social partners as membership organisations, the interaction between collective bargaining and labour law, workplace representation) and at European level (European Social Dialogue, European labour law). Finally, it discusses trends in the labour market and the contribution of social dialogue to economic performance. The report is only available in English. Other language versions of the executive summary will follow (Pdf)

    EU: European Commission
  • Personal Tax: Cross-border workers
    EU: European Commission
  • Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities: Index
    EU: European Commission
  • Start a business - European Union
    EU: Your Europe
  • Start a business: Companies legal structure - European Union
    EU: Your Europe
  • Start a business - Netherlands
    EU: Your Europe
  • Buy a business - European Union
    EU: Your Europe
  • Buy a business - Netherlands
    EU: Your Europe
  • Sell your business - European Union
    EU: Your Europe
  • Sell your business - Netherlands
    EU: Your Europe
  • Close your business - Netherlands
    EU: Your Europe
  • Insolvency and Bankruptcy - European Union
    EU: Your Europe
  • Funding opportunities - European Union
    EU: Your Europe
  • Useful Links & Addresses: Funding opportunities - European Union
    EU: Your Europe
  • Incentives and subsidies for the environment - Netherlands
    EU: Your Europe
  • Taxation - European Union
    This page gives you all the information you need on corporate taxation. The related subjects above explain the difference between direct and indirect taxation and give more precise details on general taxation, VAT, income tax, measures to prevent double taxation of repatriated profits, and customs duties

    EU: Your Europe
  • Taxation - Netherlands
    EU: Your Europe
  • Human resources - European Union
    This page gives you information on the main human resources related issues. The related subjects above explain EU rules on employment, social security and workers’ freedom of movement. You can also find practical tips on how to enforce your rights under EU law if you have any difficulty doing so (remedies)

    EU: Your Europe
  • Human resources - Netherlands
    EU: Your Europe
  • Research and development - European Union
    Economic growth and competitiveness among EU businesses are closely linked to research and technological development activities (RDT), notably in some key fields (such as nanotechnologies) and particular technological sectors (such as aeronautics). For this reason the EU urges Member States to invest in research and to target raising the average level of research spending to 3% of GDP by 2010 (compared with a current figure of 1.9%)

    EU: Your Europe
  • Research and development - Netherlands
    Innovatienet, Innovatieplatform and Syntens are important platforms in this context

    EU: Your Europe
  • Standards and labels - European Union
    Technical harmonisation is one of the key stages in completing the internal market for goods. By harmonising certain product specifications, the EU dismantles trade barriers between Member States. Goods complying with the required standards can move freely within the internal market. This offers businesses EU-wide market access, simplifies procedures and cuts costs while ensuring technical interoperability and a high standard of safety

    EU: Your Europe
  • Standards and labels - Netherlands
    The Netherlands Standardisation Institute (NEN) is the knowledge network in the world of standards and regulations

    EU: Your Europe
  • Industry and trade regulations - European Union
    EU: Your Europe
  • Industry and trade regulations - Netherlands
    EU: Your Europe
  • Intellectual property - European Union
    EU: Your Europe
  • Intellectual property - Netherlands
    EU: Your Europe
  • Market information - Netherlands
    EU: Your Europe
  • Public procurement - European Union
    EU: Your Europe
  • Useful Links & Addresses: Public procurement - European Union
    EU: Your Europe
  • Public procurement - Netherlands
    EU: Your Europe
  • Øresund: Employment, Business, Small Business, Business Guide, Business Oppertunity
    DK: Business Guide Øresund
  • Welcome to Retsinformation
    Retsinformation (”Legal Information”) is the official on-line legal information system of the Danish State (mainly in danish)

    DK: The Civil Affairs Agency, Legal Information Division: Ministry of Justice
  • The Confederation of Danish Employers (DA) represents 13 employers' organizations with more than 29.000 Danish private companies as members, covering the manufacturing, retail, transport, service and construction sectors
    DK: The Confederation of Danish Employers (DA)
  • Business Lounge
    DK: Denmark.dk The Official Window
  • The Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs
    The Ministry is responsible for a number of policy areas which are important for the general business environment, including business regulation, Intellectual Property Rights, competition policy, the financial sector, the construction sector and shipping

    DK: Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs
  • Acts and regulations of the Ministry of Employment
    On this page you can find links to translations of some of the acts and regulations of the Ministry of Employment

    DK: Ministry of Employment Denmark
  • Key figures of the Danish labour market
    DK: Ministry of Employment Denmark
  • Working in denmark: A guide to the Danish labour market (Pdf)
    DK: Ministry of Employment Denmark
  • Invest in Denmark
    Invest in Denmark is part of the Danish Trade Council in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Our mission is to service foreign companies considering the possibility of establishing business operations in Denmark

    DK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
  • Links: Invest in Denmark has assembled a comprehensive set of relevant links for foreign companies and investors
    DK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
  • Assisting the employee
    DK: Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation
  • International career - working and living in Denmark
    DK: Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation
  • The National Agency for Enterprise and Construction
    is broadly responsible for enterprise and construction policy. Our job is to develop a competitive, market-based growth environment for companies. We accomplish this in cooperation with the corporate sector, business associations and other public sector actors

    DK: National Agency for Enterprise and Construction Denmark
  • The Danish Ministry of Taxation
    website maintains a limited number of documents in English. On these pages you will find a presentation of the minister, our mission statement, information on how to contact us and a few reports and publications translated into English. Furthermore you will find some central statistical informations about Danish Tax-system

    DK: Skatteministeriet Denmark
  • Starting your own business - know the rules 2006 (Pdf)
    DK: Skatteministeriet Denmark
  • Taxation: Translated information
    DK: Skatteministeriet Denmark
  • When using labour from another country
    DK: Skatteministeriet Denmark
  • Statbank Denmark contains detailed statistical information on the Danish society.The database is free of charge and data can be exported in several file formats and presented as diagrams or maps
    DK: Statistics Denmark
  • Statistical Information Denmark
    DK: Statistics Denmark
  • Statistical Yearbook 2006
    DK: Statistics Denmark
  • Øresund: Employment, Business, Small Business, Business Guide, Business Oppertunity
    DK: Virksomheds Start&Vækst
  • CEN: European Committee for Standardisation
    The European Committee for Standardization, was founded in 1961 by the national standards bodies in the European Economic Community and EFTA countries.
    Now CEN is contributing to the objectives of the European Union and European Economic Area with voluntary technical standards which promote free trade, the safety of workers and consumers, interoperability of networks, environmental protection, exploitation of research and development programmes, and public procurement

    INT: CEN
  • ISO: International Organisation for Standardization
    INT: ISO
  • Nieuwe BPM regels bestelauto's per 1-1-2007 (in dutch)
    NL: Autobelastingen
  • Bedrijvenloket: De overheid voor ondernemers (in dutch)
    NL: Bedrijvenloket
  • Statistics Netherlands
    Statistics Netherlands is responsible for collecting, processing and publishing statistics to be used in practice, by policymakers and for scientific research. In addition to its responsibility for (official) national statistics, Statistics Netherlands also has the task of producing European (community) statistics. The legal basis for Statistics Netherlands and its work is the Act of 20 November 2003 governing the central bureau of statistics

    NL: Het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Nederland
  • Economische Voorlichtingsdienst - EVD
    De EVD is als agentschap van het ministerie van Economische zaken de uitvoeringsorganisatie van de rijksoverheid voor het faciliteren en het stimuleren van internationaal ondernemen en internationale samenwerking (in dutch)

    NL: EVD Internationaal Ondernemen en Samenwerken
  • The Enterprise Europe Network
    is the largest network of contact points providing information and advice to EU companies on EU matters, in particular small and medium enterprises (SMEs). We provide practical answers to specific questions in your language. Through this page you will find more information on the Netherlands (also in dutch)

    NL: EVD Internationaal Ondernemen en Samenwerken
  • Internationaal Ondernemen: Midden en Klein Bedrijf (MKB) en financiering
    Dit dossier is gericht op Nederlandse mkb-ers, die willen exporteren, internationaal willen uitbreiden of een joint-venture willen aangaan. Per onderwerp vindt u korte en bondige informatie en relevante links naar meer informatie op andere websites. Onder het kopje 'Regelingen per land' kunt u per land bekijken welke regelingen er voor openstaan en welke mogelijkheden er zijn bij internationale instellingen (in dutch)

    NL: EVD Internationaal Ondernemen en Samenwerken
  • Welkom op de landenpagina Denemarken (in dutch)
    NL: EVD Internationaal Ondernemen en Samenwerken
  • Het kabinet heeft het Innovatieplatform ingesteld voor de duur van dit kabinet en als opdracht meegegeven voorstellen te ontwikkelen om de innovatiekracht van Nederland te versterken. Met 18 onbezoldigde platform-leden hebben we daar drie jaar hard aan gewerkt. We hebben in de afgelopen periode veel bereikt en de basis gelegd voor een vervolg. Per 22 november 2006 leggen de leden hun taken neer. Het nieuwe kabinet moet besluiten of en, zo ja, op welke wijze in de volgende kabinetsperiode invulling wordt gegeven aan de rollen die nu worden vervuld door het platform (in dutch)
    NL: Innovatie Platform
  • IViR: Institute for Information Law: Faculty of Law - University of Amsterdam
    NL: IViR: Instituut voor Informatierecht
  • Starting a business
    The Chamber of Commerce is the prime meeting place for business people in the Netherlands, whether you have just started up in business or have been operating for many years

    NL: Kamer van Koophandel Nederland
  • International trade
    NL: Kamer van Koophandel Nederland
  • Overdracht en overname
    Heeft u plannen voor het kopen, verkopen of beëindigen van een bedrijf? Hier vindt u alles wat met overdracht en overname te maken heeft (in dutch)

    NL: Kamer van Koophandel Nederland
  • Wetten en regels
    Welke rechtsvorm past bij uw bedrijf? Waarvoor bent u aansprakelijk? Zoekt u informatie over contracten? U vindt hier een overzicht van de belangrijkste regels voor ondernemers (in dutch)

    NL: Kamer van Koophandel Nederland
  • The trade register provides a lot of this kind of information. This section of the website tells you exactly what information is contained in the trade register in the Netherlands.
    In the Dutch section of the website, you can also search for companies in the trade register and check their business extract or annual account

    NL: Kamer van Koophandel Nederland
  • SenterNovem - Agentschap voor duurzaamheid en innovatie
    Laat u adviseren door de Digitale Adviseur en ontdek op welke manier SenterNovem u van dienst kan zijn. Bij een aantal programma's kunt u uw subsidie-aanvraag vervolgens ook elektronisch indienen (in dutch)

    NL: Ministerie van Economische Zaken Nederland
  • Taxation
    Here you will find a general overview of the taxes in the Netherlands

    NL: Ministry of Finance Netherlands
  • Sciene in the Netherlands
    The Minister of Education, Culture and Science coordinates science policy for the entire national government. However, she is also responsible for the Ministry's own policy areas of research and science. The aim of Dutch science policy is to create a research climate that fosters world-class scientific achievements and promotes the welfare and well-being of society at large

    Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Resaerch
  • Wet Arbeid Vreemdelingen (in dutch)
    NL: Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
  • Research and Development
    The Netherlands provides a rich combination of advanced research centers, supportive government policies, and a culture that fulfills the aspirations of advanced knowledge workers. With initiatives like GigaPort (advanced experimental network for next generation internet development) and research hubs such as the Telematics Institute, the Netherlands is on the cutting edge of research and development (R&D) efforts in the information and communications technology sector. Dutch R&D activities in the natural and engineering sciences rank among the most productive and influential in the world as well. Over 60,000 researchers work in Dutch companies, universities and research institutes

    NL: Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency - Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Starting up in the Netherlands
    In preparing to conduct business activities in the Netherlands, a company is presented with many choices ranging from site location, legal and fiscal matters to permit requirements and employment issues. Compared to other EU countries, the Netherlands has a flexible and liberal legal framework for the organization of enterprises by non-resident companies or individuals. There are no special restrictions on foreign-owned companies that wish to start a business in the Netherlands

    NL: Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency - Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • NEN
    The website of NEN provides everything you need to know about standards and standardization

    NL: NEN - Nederlands centrum van normalisatie
  • Monetary and financial statistics for the Netherlands
    NL: De Nederlandsche Bank
  • Nederlandsche Maatschappij voor Nijverheid en Handel
    Het inspirerend netwerk voor bedrijfsleven, wetenschap en overheid (in dutch)

    NL: De Nederlandsche Maatschappij voor Nijverheid en Handel
  • Economic Affairs
    NL: Netherlands embassy in Copenhagen Denmark
  • Belasting aangifte doen - Zakelijk (in dutch)
    NL: De Nederlandse Belastingdienst
  • Een bedrijf oprichten: Nederland - Ondernemerschap (in dutch)
    NL: De Nederlandse Belastingdienst
  • Buitenlandse btw terugvragen (in dutch)
    NL: De Nederlandse Belastingdienst
  • Loonbelastingverklaring vervalt
    Vanaf 1 januari 2007 vervalt de loonbelastingverklaring. Een nieuwe werknemer moet vanaf die datum zelf een schriftelijke verklaring aan u geven voordat hij bij u gaat werken. Een pensioen- of uitkeringsgerechtigde moet dat vóór de eerste loonbetaling doen (in dutch)

    NL: De Nederlandse Belastingdienst
  • Ondernemer worden
    Als ondernemer krijgt u te maken met allerlei regelingen voor de belastingen en met sommige sociale verzekeringen. In dit onderdeel wordt u wegwijs gemaakt in uw fiscale rechten en verplichtingen. De keuzes die u als ondernemer maakt, kunnen namelijk fiscale gevolgen hebben. Het gaat dan om keuzes zoals de rechtsvorm van uw onderneming en de financiering ervan (in dutch)

    NL: De Nederlandse Belastingdienst
  • Dutch Institute of Patent Attorneys
    The Patent Attorney is an independent, legally qualified specialist in the fields of patents, trademarks and designs. He/she advises about an effective protection of knowledge, products and ideas, acts as a representative for a principal, and takes care of all procedures for obtaining and maintaining the desired protection

    NL: Dutch Institute of Patent Attorneys
  • Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut van Registeraccountants (partly in english)
  • The Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa)
    The NMa is committed to safeguarding competition in the Dutch market. The NMa enforces compliance with competition law. The Authority investigates and sanctions cartels, proceeds against practices amounting to an abuse of a dominant position and assesses mergers and acquisitions. The NMa monitors all sectors, making markets work for business and consumers

    NL: NMa - Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit
  • Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Resaerch
    NL: NWO
  • Overheidsinformatie voor ondernemers (partly in english)
    NL: Overheid.nl
  • The Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands
    NL: SER
  • Stichting Zelfstandige Zonder Personeel Nederland
    is hét informatiecentrum voor de zelfstandige zonder personeel (ZZP) en kleine zelfstandigen. Op deze website vindt u alle informatie om als zelfstandig ondernemer een bedrijf te starten (in dutch)

    NL: Stichting ZZP Nederland
  • Informatie over milieusubsidies van de Nederlandse overheid (in dutch)
    NL: Subsidieshop
  • Syntens - Succesvol innoveren
    Hulp nodig bij uw innovatieplannen? Gebruik de verkenner! Of stel uw vraag rechtstreeks aan een van de Syntens medewerkers via chat (in dutch)

    NL: Syntens
  • UWV - Werkgevers
    UWV voert in opdracht van het Ministerie van SZW de wettelijke werknemersverzekeringen uit, zoals de Ziektewet, de Werkloosheidswet, de WAO en binnenkort de WIA (in dutch)

    NL: UWV Nederland
  • Vereniging van Zelfstandigen Zonder Personeel (in dutch)
    NL: VZZP Nederland
  • VNO-NCW - The voice of Dutch business
    The Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (known as VNO-NCW) is the largest employers’ organisation in the Netherlands. VNO-NCW represents the common interests of Dutch business, both at home and abroad and provides a variety of services for its members.
    180 (branch) associations are members, representing more than 115,000 enterprises. They cover almost all sectors of the economy, including more than 80% of all medium-sized companies in the Netherlands and nearly all of the larger, corporate institutions