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E Forms Europe:
Please note:
The linked EU-Forms are model forms.
The legal forms can be obtained from the appropriate authorities in your country
EU: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - Claims and forms
Portable documents (former E-forms):

Portable documents replace the old E-forms. They are issued by the competent social security institutions where you are insured.
Each document is about an individual person (possibly including family members) and contains their names and other identifiers. The social security office that issues the document also duly signs and stamps it.

EU: E 100 series Forms EU version - EUR-Lex 2006 in PDF:
 *   Forms:
      E 001
      E 101: Certificate concerning the legislation applicable
      E 102: Extension of term of posting or of activity as self-employed
      E 103: Exercising the right of option
      E 104: Certificate concerning the aggragation op periods of insurance,
      employment or residence
      E 106: Certificate of entitlement to sickness and maternity insurance
      benefits in kind for persons residing in a country other than the
      competent country
      E 107: Application for a certificate of entitlement to benefits in kind
      E 108: Notification of suspension or withdrawal of the right to sickness
      and maternity insurance benefits in kind
      E 109: Certificate for the registration of members of an insured
      persons's family and the updating of lists
      E 112: Certificate concerning the retention of the right to sickness or
      maternity benefits currently being provided
      E 115: Claim for cash benefits for incapacity for work
      E 116: Medical report relating to incapacity for work (sickness,
      maternity, accident at work, occupational disease)
      E 117: Granting of cash benefits in the case of maternity and incapacity
      for work
      E 118: Notification of non-recognition or of end of incapacity for work
      E 118 Annex: Legal remedies and periods allowed for appeals
      E 120: Certificate of entitlement to benefits in kind for pension
      claimants and members of their family
      E 121: Certicate for the registration of pensioners and members of their
      family and the updating of lists
      E 123: Certificate of entitlement to benefits in kind under insurance
      against accidents at work and occupational diseases
      E 124: Claim for death grant
      E 124 additional: Additional information for the purpose of portuguese
      E 125: Individual record of actual expenditure
      E 126: Rates for refund of benefits in kind
      E 127: Individual record of monthly lump-sum payments

EU: E 200 series Forms EU version - EUR-Lex 2005 in PDF:
 *   Forms:
      E 202: Investigation of a claim for an old-age pension,
      E 202 additional page 1, E 202 additional page 2 PT,
      E 202 additional page 3 NO,
      E 202 additional page 4 CH, E 202 additional page 5 PL,
      E 202 additional page 6 CZ, E 202 additional page 7 LT,
      E 202 additional page 8 BE, E 202 additional page 9 LV
      E 203: Investigation of a claim for a survivor's pension,
      E 203 additional page 1 IT, E 203 additional page 2,
      E 203 additional page 3 PT,
      E 203 additional page 4 PT-SK, E 203 additional page 5 NO,
      E 203 additional page 6 SE, E 203 additional page 7 LT,
      E 203 additional page 8 CZ, E 203 additional page 9 SK,
      E 203 additional page 10 CH, E 203 additional page 11 PL,
      E 203 additional page 12 BE, E 203 additional page 13 FI
      E 204: Investigation of a claim for an invalidity pension,
      E 204 additional page 1, E 204 additional page 2 PT,
      E 204 additional page 3 FI, E 204 additional page 4 NO,
      E 204 additional page 5 CH, E 204 additional page 6 LT,
      E 204 additional page 7 PL, E 204 additional page 8 HU,
      E 204 additional page 9 LV
      E 205 BE: Certificate concerning insurance history in ...,
      E 205 CZ, E 205 DK, E 205 DE, E 205 EE, E 205 GR, E 205 ES, E 205 FR,
      E 205 IE, E 205 IT, E 205 CY, E 205 LV, E 205 LT, E 205 LU, E 205 HU,
      E 205 HU additional page, E 205 MT , E 205 NL, E 205 AT,
      E 205 AT additional page, E 205 PL, E 205 PL additional page, E 205 PT,
      E 205 SI, E 205 SI additional page, E 205 SK, E 205 FI, E 205 SE,
      E 205 UK, E 205 IS, E 205 LI, E 205 NO, E 205 CH
      E 207: Certificate concerning the insured person's insurance history,
      E 207 additional page 1 SE
      E 210: Notification of decision concerning a claim for a pension
      E 211: Summary of decisions
      E 213: Detailed medical report
      E 213 additional page 1 NL, E 213 additional page 2 UK,
      E 213 additional page 3 NO, E 213 additional page 4 PL,
      E 213 additional page 5 HU
      E 215: Administrative report of the position of a pensioner,
      E 215 additional page 1 NO

EU: E 300 series Forms EU version - EUR-Lex 2005 in PDF:
 *   Forms:
      E 301: Certificate concerning the periods to be taken into account for
      the granting of unemployment benefits
      E 302: Certificate relating to members of the family of an unemployed
      person who must be taken into account for the calculation of benefits
      E 303/0: Certificate concerning retention of the right to unemployed
      E 303/1: Certificate concerning retention of the right to unemployed
      E 303/2: Certificate concerning retention of the right to unemployed
      E 303/3: Certificate concerning retention of the right to unemployed
      E 303/4: Certificate concerning retention of the right to unemployed
      E 303/5: Information for unemployed persons who intend to go to
      another Member State te seek employment

EU: E 400 serie Forms EU version - EUR-Lex 2005 in PDF:
 *   Forms:
      E 401: Certificate concerning the composition of the family for
      the purpose of granting family benefits
      E 401: Annex PL
      E 402: Certificate of continuation of studies for the purpose of the
      granting of family benefits
      E 402: Annex
      E 403: Certificate op apprenticeship and/or vocational training for the
      purpose of the granting of family benefits
      E 403: Annex
      E 404: Medical certificate for the
      purpose of the granting of family benefits
      E 404: Annex PL
      E 405: Certificate concerning the aggregation op periods of insurance,
      employment or self-employment or concerning successive employment
      in several member states, between the dates on which payment is due
      according to the legislation of these states
      E 405: Annex PL
      E 406: Certificate of post-natal medical examinations
      E 407: Medical certificate for the grant of a special family allowance or
      of increased family allowances for handicapped children
      E 411: Request for information on entitlement to family benefits in the
      member states of residence of the members of the family

E Forms General:
The E-forms can be obtained from the social security institutions of your country

E Forms Belgium:
BE: Rijksdienst voor de Sociale Zekerheid:
 *   Via Gotot kan men op eenvoudige wijze bij de RSZ een
      toelating tot detachering bekomen :
      de aanvrager ontvangt onmiddellijk een ontvangstbewijs voor
      zijn aanvraag en na een inhoudelijke controle van het dossier
      worden de benodigde detacheringsdocumenten (het formulier E101
      of een ander toepasselijk document) bezorgd aan de
      Belgische werkgever.
      (in dutch and in french)

BE: VDAB: Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding:
 *   Werk zoeken internationaal: Informeer je
      Welke E-formulieren heb je nodig en waar kan je ze verkrijgen?
      Een overzicht:
    - E 100-reeks: voor uitkeringen bij ziekte en zwangerschap.
      Te verkrijgen bij je ziekenfonds
    - E 200-reeks: voor de berekening en uitbetaling van pensioenen.
      Te verkrijgen bij de Rijksdienst voor pensioenen: www.onprvp.fgov.be
    - E 300-reeks: voor werkloosheidsuitkeringen. Te verkrijgen bij
    - de Rijksdienst voor Arbeidsvoorziening.
    - De adressen van RVA-kantoren (ook werkloosheidsbureaus genoemd)
    - vind je op: www.rva.be
    - E 400-reeks: voor gezins- en kinderbijslagen. Te verkrijgen bij je
      (information in dutch)

E Forms Denmark:
DK: Arbejdsdirektoratet:
 *   Application for form E 301 DK or N 301 DK

E Forms Germany:
DE: Bundes Agentur für Arbeit:
 *    Zwischen den Sozialversicherungssystemen der EU-Länder bestehen erhebliche Unterschiede. Damit europäischen Arbeitnehmern, die ihr Recht auf Freizügigkeit wahrnehmen, keine Nachteile entstehen, wird der Zugang zu Sozialleistungen durch Gemeinschaftsbestimmungen der EU koordiniert.
* Mit Portable Document U2 bzw. Bescheinigung E303 auf Arbeitsuche im EU-Ausland
* Mit Portable Document U2 bzw. Bescheinigung E303 auf Arbeitsuche in Deutschland
* Mit Portable Document U1 bzw. Bescheinigung E301 im Ausland erworbene Versicherungs- und Beschäftigungszeiten nachweisen
(in german)

E Forms Luxembourg:
LU: CMEP Luxembourg:
 *   Online form orders: E 104; E 106; E 109; E 119

E Forms Netherlands:
NL: Sociale Verzekeringsbank:
 *   Formulier (E)101/A1: Werkgevers: Aanvraag detacheringsverklaring voor

 *   Formulier (E)101/A1: Zelfstandigen: Internationale Detachering

E Forms Switzerland:
CH: Gemeinsame Einrichtung KVG Schweiz:
 Information and forms in german, french and italian

 *   Formulare der E100 - Serie zum downloaden
      Die Formulare sind in mehreren Sprachen vorhanden.
      Das Format ist PDF. Einige sind als ausfüllbare Formulare gestaltet.
      Es handelt sich um die gleichen Formulare, die bisher auf der
      Homepage des BAG unter http://www.sozialversicherungen.admin.ch
      abrufbar waren (Unterpunkte: International / Formulare /
      CH-EU/EFTA ).
      Die Formulare der 200er-, 400er- und 600er-Serie sind nach wie vor
      dort zu finden.

 *   Rubrik E 001: Allgemeine Auskünfte
      E 001 Austausch von Informationen
 *   Rubrik E 104-127: KV/UV
      E 104 Totalisierung von Zeiten
      E 106 Anspruch auf Sachleistungen
      E 107 Antrag auf Sachleistungen
      E 108 Wegfall des Sachleistungsanspruchs
      E 109 Bescheinigung Familienangehörige
      E 112 Weitergewährung Leistungen
      E 115 Geldleistungen Arbeitsunfähigkeit
      E 116 Arztbericht Arbeitsunfähigkeit
      E 117 Leistungen Mutterschaft, Arbeitsunfähigkeit
      E 118 Beendigung Arbeitsunfähigkeit
      E 119 KV Anspruch Arbeitslose
      E 120 Anspruch auf Sachleistungen
      E 121 Eintragung Rentenberechtigte
      E 123 Sachleistungen Unfall
      E 124 Antrag auf Sterbegeld
      E 125 Tatsächliche Aufwendungen
      E 126 Erstattungssätze Sachleistungen
      E 127 Aufstellung Pauschalbeträge
      Muster der europäischen Krankenversicherungskarte (englisch)

CH: Vollzug Sozialversicherungen Schweiz:
 Information and forms in german, french and italian

 *   Rubrik E 001: Allgemeine Auskünfte
      Formular E 001: Austausch von Informationen

 *   Rubrik E 101-103: Unterstellung
      Formular E 101: Entsendung/Unterstellung
      Formular E 102: Entsendungsverlängerung
      Formular E 103: Ausübung des Wahlrechts

 *   Rubrik E 104-127: KV/UV
 *   Rubrik E 201-215: AHV/IV
      E 201 Addition Vers- od. Wohnzeiten
      E 202 Antrag auf Altersrente
      E 203 Antrag auf Hinterblieb.rente
      E 204 Antrag auf Invaliditätsrente
      E 205 Versicherungsverlauf Schweiz
      E 207 Beschäftigungsverlauf
      E 210 Rentenbewilligung/-ablehnung
      E 211 Zusammenfassung der Bescheide
      E 213 Ausführl. ärztlicher Bericht
      E 215 Verw.auskünfte Lage Rentner

 *   Rubrik: E 301 - 303: ALV
 *   Rubrik: E 401-411: FZ
      E 401 Gewährung Familienleistungen
      E 402 Fortsetzung der Ausbildung
      E 402 Anlage
      E 403 Berufliche Ausbildung
      E 403 Anlage
      E 404 Arztbesch. Familienleistungen
      E 405 Zusammenrechnung Vers.zeiten
      E 406 Nachgeburtliche Untersuchung
      E 407 Leistung behinderte Kinder
      E 411 Anspruch Wohnland Familie

 *   Rubrik: E 601-602: EL/Beitragsunabhängige Leistungen
      E 601 Einkünfte in anderem Staat
      E 602 Zusammenrechnung von Zeiten